Animal Nutrition

The Laboratory initial goal is to provide a well based theoretical and practical training to students, το respond to the demands of research projects and activities and to support local animal production and the private sector.

Special emphasis is given to:

  • theoretical and practical training of undergraduate and postgraduate students and doctoral candidates,
  • development of research activity with special emphasis on areas of importance for Greece.
  • elaboration of research and training programs related to the interests of the Laboratory.
  • any form of cooperation with academic and research institutions internationally.
  • organization of scientific lectures, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific events,
  • training of agronomists, veterinarians, zootechnicians and other scientists and professionals engaged in Animal Production
  • support producers and companies no areas related to the research activities and objectives of the Laboratory.
  • provide services to private companies and all legal organizations.

Laboratory director:
Dimitris Kantas, professor

Alexandridis Vasileios, PhD candidate

Vouzaras Dimitrios, PhD candidate

Xounta Stamatia, EDIP

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